
Latest Marriage News

Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez call it Quits

Love may be a lovely symphony, a captivating dance between two souls.

Suhana Parvin Suhana Parvin

Logan Paul Engaged to His Best Friend Nina Agdal

Logan Paul, the Maverick himself, recently announced his engagement with Nina Agdal,

Suhana Parvin Suhana Parvin

Millie Bobby Brown’s Engagement Party

Millie Bobby Brown, the talented young actress best known for her role

Suhana Parvin Suhana Parvin

Jeff Bezos got engaged to Lauren Sanchez in his new $500M yacht during a French Vacation

It can be inferred that Jeff Bezos strategically chose the occasion of

Savey Wangkit Lepcha Savey Wangkit Lepcha