Outlander is based on the released series by writer Diana Gabaldon that premiered on Starz on August 9, 2014, and has been created by Ronald D. Moore. The time-travelling play celebrities Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan in a romance that follows a British battle nurse from 1945 who is hauled strangely back to 1743 with five seasons of the TV series under its belt causing many to wonder whether Outlander season 6 is coming to Netflix in 2021.
The first four seasons are available on Netflix.
Along with Heughan and Balfe, the show also features a talented roster including Duncan Lacroix, Sophie Skelton, Richard Rankin, Tobias Menzies, César Domboy, Lauren Lyle, and a Lot More.
Subscribers are waiting on Outlander season 5, which concluded in May 2020, leaving informed fans to presume that its coming will follow a similar schedule to season 4, which arrived in January 2021. This may indicate the fifth outing might well be available to flow on Netflix in May 2022, but that is the only speculation now.
However, the question remains as to if the streaming service will get Outlander season 6?
No official release date for Outlander season 6 has been announced, and unless it’s able to emerge at the end of the calendar year, it’s looking more and more like Starz won’t even air the season 4 follow-up until 2022. This might signify that Netflix subscribers might not observe the series until 2023 or even 2024, leaving the season 6″Droughtlander” ordeal to keep the streaming service for the foreseeable future.
But luckily for fans looking to fill the void left behind after bingeing the four seasons of Outlander accessible, Netflix has many options that will certainly do the trick. Titles like Bridgerton, Emily in Paris, and Virgin River are only some of the stellar options available for fans and subscribers of their Starz series.