Significance of Voting in Democracy: Insights from Panel Discussion with L.G. Manoj Sinha and Manavendra Singh.


The importance of voting in a democracy was discussed in a seminar attended by LG Manoj Sinha and Manvendra Singh, the National Coordinator of the Shivdham Kailash Mansarovar Tibet Freedom Association. The event was organized by S.S. Public School, Dewadhi, Zamaniya, Ghazipur, with the Chairman of the organization Dr. Radheshyam Singh. During the program, people from various regions ensured their participation in the discussion. Chief guest Manoj Sinha emphasized the significance of voting in the festival of democracy, stating that it is the duty of every Indian citizen to exercise their right to vote as enshrined in the Constitution. He highlighted that India is the cradle of democracy where voting is a fundamental right. Manvendra Singh stressed that voting is the biggest right in a democracy, and India remains a stronghold of democracy. He expressed hope that through voting, a strong government will be formed for the benefit of the country and the vision of a unified India will be realized. Additionally, he linked the freedom of Tibet to the liberation of Shivdham Kailash Mansarovar and envisioned a day when pilgrims from places like Ghazipur would be able to visit Kailash Mansarovar. Former minister Vijay Mishra, Bhanu Pratap Singh, Om Prakash Rai, and others were also present. The school’s manager, Ashish Singh, welcomed the guests, while Manvendra Singh honored LG Manoj Sinha with the logo of the Shivdham Kailash Mansarovar Tibet Freedom Association. The program was conducted by Jamuna Singh and concluded with a vote of thanks by Ashwani Singh.

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