
Riverdale season 5: Betty, Jughead and Archie celebrate the end of high school

A few weeks ago, Netflix finally unveiled Season 5 of Riverdale . And the least we can say is that the first episodes have already shocked the fans. Last week Betty, Jughead and Archie discovered the identity of the killer .

Much to everyone’s surprise, it was Jellybean who was hiding behind these very weird videos. This week, Netflix will unveil the 3rd episode of Riverdale . Entitled “Graduation”, it will highlight the end of high school for Betty and her friends.

The latter will also receive their diplomas . Fans have been waiting to see this scene for a while. It must be said that the 1st episodes of Riverdale season 5 was to mark the end of season 4.

Because of the health crisis, the writers had to change their plans. In this new episode, Archie will ask himself a lot of questions. While he does not really have the level, he wonders if he will also have his diploma like his friends.

For their part, Jughead and Betty are wondering how their couple will survive the life after high school. It must be said that they have very different dreams. Moreover, the pretty blonde had a fault with Archie. As a reminder, they had exchanged a kiss.

It’s also the last time fans will see FP in Riverdale. Indeed, the one who embodies the character, Skeet Ulrich has decided to leave the series. It remains to be seen how he will make his departure.


For future episodes of Riverdale , fans will witness a 7-year time jump. It will take some patience before we learn more about the future of Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Archie.

This Wednesday, February 3, Lili Reinhart has also shared a new photo on her Instagram account . She unveiled a photo taken during the filming of Riverdale . We can see Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Archie and their friends, graduates.

They all took the pose with a blue coat. All except Cheryl. As always, the latter has found a way to stand out from her friends. Indeed, she opted for a bright red coat that put her in the spotlight.

In legend, the actress also wrote: “The gang is finally graduated tonight. A very sentimental and emotional episode for everyone who has been on this Riverdale trip with us since day one ” .

A very moving message that did not fail to melt his fans. With her shot, the actress from Riverdale has also collected more than 2.3 million “likes” in just three hours from her fans.

Paula Carol

Paula is an associate writer with a degree in journalism. Paula loves expressing her voice on entertainment, beauty and other allied topics. Paula loves fishing and treks. A huge travel buff, Paula owns a travelogue to pen down her experiences while she is not killing it at Interviewer PR