The biggest hit of Ranbir Kapoor’s career was Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal. While fans are waiting impatiently for Ranbir to reveal the details of his upcoming project, the actor recently worked with director Rohit Shetty on a new project. Ranbir can be seen wearing the police uniform in the pictures that were circulated online. Following reports that the actor was spotted sporting a mustache and a police uniform during a director’s advertisement shoot. Fans are excited about the possibility of seeing Ranbir Kapoor in a Rohit Shetty cop movie. Following the release of images of Ranbir in this avatar on social media, fans began talking about the possibility of seeing him play a police officer in a movie.
Ranbir Kapoor’s new movie is all about a Police officer
Fans surmised that the images, which were making the rounds on the internet, might be a sign that Ranbir would be joining Rohit’s police world. “It is a hint for the cop universe,” a fan commented in the comments section. “Welcome to cop universe Superstar RKš„,” a different fan wrote.
Currently in production is Rohit Shetty’s film Singham Again, which also stars Tiger Shroff, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Ajay Devgn, and Kareena Kapoor Khan. Singham, Singham Returns, Simmba, and Sooryavanshi are the first four films in Shetty’s cop series; Singham Again is the fifth.
Indian Police Force, Shetty’s debut web series on Amazon Prime Video, is another thing he is excited about. Sidharth Malhotra, Vivek Oberoi, and Shilpa Shetty are the show’s stars.
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During his recent appearance on Koffee with Karan, he talked candidly about the box office failure of his last film, Cirkus, which starred Ranveer Singh. “We indeed made a movie during the pandemic, but Rohit Shetty didn’t succeed as a director,” he said. It was created before Sooryavanshi’s debut. As a director, I made a mistake with that movie somewhere. And fortunately, it wasn’t a major movie that I messed up on. After three days, I was filming my web series. Fans are waiting with bated breath to see if his alluring police appearance will lead to a cop film project with Rohit Shetty.