After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, many players and countries have opposed this attack.

Poland team will not go
Russia and Ukraine (Russia Ukraine Conflict) The effect of the ongoing war between them is slowly starting to show on the sports world as well. Many players have publicly criticized Russia’s move. Some countries have also refused to play in Russia and now it includes Poland. (Poland Football Team) name has been added. The Football Federation of Poland has decided that its team will be able to compete in the World Cup qualifiers to be held in Russia next month. (FIFA World Cup Qualifier) I will not play. This match between the two was to be played on March 24 in Moscow, Russia.

Poland’s team will not go to Russia
Polish Football Federation President Kejri Kulesz wrote on Twitter, ‘It’s time for action. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we are not ready to play matches there. We think this is the right decision. He also said that Sweden and the Czech Republic will work closely with the federations so that the three countries can come together to inform FIFA of their decision.

Koniec ze słowami, czas na czyny! W związku z eskalacją agresji Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę, reprezentacja Polski nie zamierza rozegrać barażowego meczu z rep. Rosji. To jedyna słuszna decyzja. Prowadzimy rozmowy z federacjami i , aby przedstawić FIFA wspólne stanowisko.
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Poland’s legendary player Robert Lewandowski said, ‘It is the right decision. I can’t think of playing against the Russian team considering the situation in Ukraine. Russia’s footballers and fans are not at fault, but we cannot act as if nothing is happening.
The hosting of the Champions League was also snatched from Russia
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) removed St Petersburg from hosting the Champions League final and handed over the responsibility to Paris on Friday. The men’s final will be held on May 28 as per the pre-determined schedule but now it will be played at the new venue. The Stade de France with a capacity of 80,000 spectators will host it following the decision of the UEFA Executive Committee.
European football’s governing body said in a statement: “UEFA would like to express its thanks and appreciation to French President Emmanuel Macron for his personal support and commitment to moving European club football’s most prestigious event to France in a time of unique crisis.” Is.’