PM Modi projects
In a memorandum to the secretaries of the Union government’s various ministries and departments. PM Modi said to the cabinet secretariat stated, Each ministry is to regularly monitor capital expenditure. Take steps to ensure that pace of capital expenditure is stepped up, and utilization of budgetary allocation is achieved.”
The PM Modi administration has instructed the ministries and departments to take action to guarantee. That the capital expenditures for modernization and the purchase of new equipment. Meanwhile they are used effectively in order to ensure that the money allocated to them is utilized completely.
The cabinet secretary has issued a lengthy number of directives. Previously the task group was constituted just days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared in his monthly. Through the medium of radio address Mann Ki Baat that a task force will be formed to decide. When the public might visit the cheetahs at Kuno Park. The group will also make recommendations and provide guidance. On the development of tourism infrastructure in the surrounding areas of Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno National Park and other protected places.
Rajiv Guaba, the cabinet secretary, has also requested that government agencies give filling open positions a primary priority.
The schedule for appointments is made through direct hiring and filling open positions. As a result of promotions and retirement will be finalized by Ministries. The letter instructed the Ministries to take action in collaboration with the Department of Personnel and Training. Considering to shorten the recruiting process’ turnaround time even more.
The government has also directed ministries to strive towards a 100% success rate in procuring of products. Also in the services via the GeM site. The Cabinet Secretary also instructed the ministries to thoroughly review the auditor reports and to make continual improvements in their work.