Our heroes on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow have achieved several things within their five seasons — they’ve traveled through time, faced off against guessed from history, taken on fairy tale creatures, they’ve been to hell, and gotten trapped in tv shows and alternative realities, and they’ve all transformed into a giant stuffed animal named Beebo.
Suffice to say, one of the only places Legends of Tomorrow hasn’t gone as a series is to well-trod earth. And after season 5 saw the Legends stop the god-tier Fates from controlling the destinies of humankind, things changed again in major ways. Before season 5 reached its finale, we’d already seen the last bow for long-running characters Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) and Nora Darhk (Courtney Ford).
The season finale episode”Swan Thong” wrote the first Zari (Tala Ashe) from the equation, brought Zari’s brother Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) back from the dead, and created Astra Logue (Olivia Swann) a part of the Legends team after spending a whole season attempting to kill them. Not to be upstaged, the last moments of that episode discovered Captain Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) tortured by aliens.
With Sara in the wind and with Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) the sole first Legend left aboard the Waverider, where does DC’s Legends of Tomorrow go next? Here’s everything we know up to now about the upcoming sixth season.
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Legends Of Tomorrow Season 6: Release Date
The CW confirms the launch date of Legends Of Tomorrow Season 6 to become Sunday, May 2, 2021. The premiere of these episodes will be at 8 pm. What’s more, the system has also revived the first installment of the series. Therefore, do not worry since this isn’t the end. We’ll keep you updated in this space with more updates.

Who Will Be The Cast Of Legends Of Tomorrow Season 6
The storyline synopsis published for Legends of Tomorrow season 6 indicates that Caity Lotz as Sara Lance, Jes Macallan as Ava Sharpe, Matt Ryan as John Constantine, Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory, Nick Zano as Nate Heywood, Tala Ashe as Zari Tarazi, and Shayan Sobhian as Behrad Tarazi will return. It’s also probable the Adam Tsekhman will be back as Gary Green and Amy Pemberton will continue to offer the voice of the Waverider’s A.I. Gideon. There will also be a mysterious new villain.
However, Legends of ‘s season 6 plot synopsis also teases that the group will recruit a brand new Legend: “a woman who was abducted by aliens as a child and supposedly imbued with forces… either that or she is just mad.” Whoever this new Legend will be and that will play her, it seems like she will fit in aboard the Waverider.