Directed by Vikas Bahl, the highly anticipated action extravaganza “Ganapath” debuted on October 20 with a star-studded cast that included Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon. As anticipated, the film’s opening weekend box office performance has somewhat perplexed both enthusiasts and professionals in the industry.
It was unexpectedly low-gross-to-open-rating figures for ‘Ganapath’ given the extraordinarily high expectations and intensive marketing campaign that accompanied the film. In India, the film grossed a meager Rs 2.50 crore on its opening day, the lowest opening ever for Tiger Shroff. This unanticipated beginning caused both experts and moviegoers to raise their eyebrows.
Early trade estimates indicated that ‘Ganapath’ only managed to amass Rs 2.25 crore on Day Two, which was not much better. This brought the film’s two-day total to Rs 4.75 crore, which was significantly below the anticipated amount given the substantial budget and high-profile stars involved.
Tiger Shroff makes his film debut in the title role, assuming the persona of an “immortal” mercenary within a futuristic setting. In this thrilling saga, he is accompanied by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, who portrays his grandfather. Kriti Sanon, not to be eclipsed, also demonstrates her prowess as an action heroine through her phenomenal action sequences.
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Despite its slow start at the box office, ‘Ganapath’ presents a plethora of merits. The suspenseful plot and high-octane action sequences of the film have received acclaim from critics and viewers alike. The recognition that has been bestowed upon Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon for their physically taxing roles and their respective outstanding performances has not been insufficient.
With the approach of the weekend, ‘Ganapath’ retains a viable opportunity to accelerate its progress and achieve a substantial reception at the box office. Considering the popularity of action films among Indian audiences, it is uncertain whether ‘Ganapath’ will be able to recover from its sluggish beginning and reach greater heights.