Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 premiered successfully on June 21, with host Anil Kapoor locking a total of 16 competitors inside the house. The actor launched the reality show with a dancing routine. Contestants Sana Makbul, Vada Pav Girl, Ranveer Shorey, Love Kataria, Shivani Kumari, and Vishal Pandey have already visited the home. Karan Johar and Salman Khan hosted the previous two seasons.
Bigg Boss OTT Three competitors observed a dramatic twist in the house. Bigg Boss OTT 3 is becoming increasingly fascinating with each passing episode. Armaan Malik slammed Lovekesh Kataria for making scandalous remarks about his wife, Kritika.
Returning to tonight’s live feed, Vishal heard a face claiming that Lovekesh is the ‘baharwala’ of the home. Lovekesh will now face the consequences of his failure to conceal his true identity.
Is Lovekesh Kataria leaving the Big Boss OTT house?
Bigg Boss confirmed Lovekesh Kataria’s removal from the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house via live feed. The decision shocked everyone. However, Bigg Boss solicited housemates’ feedback to determine Lovekesh’s faith in the house.
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Four contestants, including Vishal Pandey, Sana Makbul, Shivani Kumari, and Deepak Chaurasia, raise their hands in order to save Lovekesh from elimination. Later, Big Boss tasked the four with rotating the chakki in the garden area until the next announcement. Let us tell you: Lovekesh will be chained to something outside the house, in the garden area, the entire night.
Payal Malik criticizes Vishal Pandey for his comment about Kritika.
Payal Malik asked Vishal Pandey if she should bring up the subject or if Vishal would handle it. Vishal becomes perplexed and asks her what she is referring to. Payal tells him that he stated this to Kataria recently and that she would want to hear it from him.
Then Payal claims that a few days ago, he told Kataria he was guilty of something. Vishal claims that he expressed his feelings for Kritika honestly and without malice. Anil Kapoor urges Lovekesh to provide some light. He confirms what Vishal said and indicates not to ask him anything.
Will the audience save Lovekesh Kataria?
If they finish the objective, the audience will decide Lovekesh’s fate on the show. According to the most recent report, Sana Makbul, Vishal Pandey, and Shivani Kumari successfully finished the work. The vote results will be announced tomorrow. If viewers choose to save Lovekesh Kataria from eviction, he will remain in the house. Now, spectators are curious about what will happen in the OTT house.