Animal Kingdom ”is an American television series that debuted on June 14, 2016. The television series is developed by Jonathan Lisco from the Australian film released in 2010. David Michôd, the creator of the film, is also the executive producer of the series televised.
The series follows a kind of detective family drama. The production was carried out over four seasons and comprises 49 episodes in total. The family is involved in various illegal activities including drug trafficking, arms dealers and big robbers under the leadership of grandmother.
On March 16, 2020, Production suspended filming progress indefinitely due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The global lockdown has affected the entertainment industry by delaying the progress of the shoot. However, we will take stock of the progress of the shoot as soon as the official announcement has been made.
The fifth season was renewed in July 2019 and began filming. Due to increasing popularity and positive audience response, the production has renewed the series for the fifth time. It is one of the few TV series that got renewed shortly after the release of the previous season.
The upcoming season’s cast details are not officially announced by the production. It is expected that there will be no change in the details of the cast. However, we will update this part when the official announcement is taken out of production. Check our website for regular updates.
Here are the actors of Animal Kingdom