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Age Spots? 7 Best Hand Treatments to Remove Age Spots

Age spots are small oval-shaped discolorations of the skin that are typically light brown or black. These spots appear as a result of sun damage to the skin, which causes an increase in a pigment called melanin. They can manifest themselves anywhere on the body. Age spots appear on body parts that have had a lot of sun exposure over time, such as the face, chest, and hands.

While age spots are not harmful, they can make your hands look years older than they are. Age spots can occur at any age, but they become more common as one gets older. The more we expose our skin to the elements, the more damage it sustains. While preventing age spots can be difficult, there are effective treatments.

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7 Best Hand Treatments to Remove Spots

IPL treatment for the hands

IPL is the most effective treatment for aging hands.
One of the most effective treatments for aging hands is intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). This method penetrates the deeper layers of the skin by using a broad spectrum of light. IPL therapy is non-invasive, and positive results can be obtained after as few as one or two sessions.

Mesotherapy for the hands

Mesotherapy is a treatment for removing age spots on the hands.
A non-surgical technique for removing age spots on the hands. It injects a combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal therapies into the skin. The procedure rejuvenates the skin and reduces fat deposits.

Hand whitening with hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a treatment that can remove age spots from the hands.
A chemical that inhibits melanin formation in the skin. Using a hydroquinone cream as a non-invasive treatment for aging hands is highly recommended.

Glycolic acid for the skin

Glycolic acid is one of the most effective anti-aging hand creams.
It is a naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acid derived from the sugar cane plant. It acts as a chemical peel, gently breaking down and flaking away the top layers of skin.

Sunblock for hands

Sunscreen is a treatment for prematurely aging hands.
The sun can cause discoloration and age spots on your skin. Excessive sun exposure may result in serious conditions such as skin cancer. Stay indoors or in the shade whenever possible. Sun protection will keep your skin looking young. Sunscreen is an effective anti-aging hand treatment when going outside.

Hands with lemon juice

Lemon juice can be used to treat age spots on the hands.
One of the most effective remedies. This ingredient works well because it contains vitamin C and citric acid, both of which act as natural bleaching agents.

Hands with aloe vera

A treatment that can remove age spots from the hands.
Aloe vera is a succulent plant that thrives in bright, natural light. The medicinal plant can be used to treat sunburn and heartburn. It is also effective at removing sunspots.
Simply cut a piece of the plant open and rub the gel inside directly on the affected skin. Allow it to absorb and it will also hydrate the skin.

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Seema Rai

Seema Rai is a Content Writer. She works mainly on Lifestyle, Health and Science SEOs. For her, the basics of writing good content is to making it readable. Apart from it, information and data make the content much more valuable.