Mental Health

5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Any Addiction

You will hardly find a man without an addiction in this world. Why? Because a chemical called Dopamine surges and gives our brain a feeling of pleasure when we consume any substance of abuse or exhibit certain behavior. In this article, we will be trying to discover 5 effective ways to conquer any addiction.

You must admit that you have an addiction

The toughest mental block to defeating addiction is to accept that you are addicted. Because substance use disorder or behavioral addiction disorder will encourage you to look for excuses and justifications in support of your addiction.

You have to have the guts to face off your addiction. That’s the key here. You need to be aware of the issues that these addictions can create in your life. 

Notice how addiction is affecting your life

Keep a close look at what negative things are happening to you after addiction enters your life. Daily journaling comes in handy here. Because journaling will allow you to write your life story. You will be able to spot your successes and struggles. This will help you to stay sober.

Alter your environment

Separate yourself from those triggering your cravings. This applies to both your home and place of work. For example,  if you want to quit smoking then don’t keep cigarette packets with you. If you want to stop gambling, remove all playing cards. Also, distance yourself from people who are bringing these reminders to you. 

Divert your mind

Whenever you feel an urge you engage yourself in some alternative activities until the urge dies. This can be talking to your family members or friends. Another smart move would be to take a walk.

Seek professional help

This step should be taken only when the other actions described here fail. You always have the opportunity to consult a therapist or medical professional or even go to rehab if all other methods don’t work out. 


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