
‘Wonder Woman 1984’: Gal Gadot Sequel Duration Revealed

Wonder Woman 1984 , the sequel about Wonder Woman played by Gal Gadot , . The film, again with Patty Jenkins behind the cameras, has Chris Pine , Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig in its cast and the duration of the film is already known .

Get ready because, thanks to the advance sale of the film’s tickets in the United States, Collider has published that Wonder Woman 1984 will last two hours and 31 minutes . In this way, the new installment about the DC superhero is ten minutes longer than the character’s debut. Wonder Woman lasts two hours and 21 minutes .

Jenkins announced in December 2019 that the first cut of the sequel lasted two hours and 45 minutes. Therefore, the director has cut about 14 minutes ahead of the final version that will reach theaters and HBO Max in those territories that have the streaming platform.

Wonder Woman 1984 , set in the 1980s, tells of the confrontation between Diana and Barbara Ann Minerva / Cheetah . In addition, the superheroine will be reunited with her old love Steve Trevor , who sacrificed himself during the First World War. The powerful megalomaniac Maxwell Lord also comes into play in this story . On these lines, do not miss the trailer.

Paula Carol

Paula is an associate writer with a degree in journalism. Paula loves expressing her voice on entertainment, beauty and other allied topics. Paula loves fishing and treks. A huge travel buff, Paula owns a travelogue to pen down her experiences while she is not killing it at Interviewer PR