
Women are fighting to save a 200-year-old Kolkata house

Barrister Many memories are housed at Babur Bari, yet it refuses to be just another Kolkata memory. It is located in an area of the city that appears to be waiting to become the next Instagram. Beautifully proportioned homes with slatted windows contrast with obscenely large buildings made of tinted glass and tiles, as well as sleepy mudikhanas (grocery) stores that are losing the war against two-minute delivery services.

In addition to protecting a lovely home in the centre of Kolkata, four women—Nandita Basu, 79, her only daughter Krishnakali, the youthful caregiver Moitrei Das, and the chef Jhorna Das—are also maintaining a way of life.

North Kolkata was mostly uninhabited





When industrialist Chandi Basu Nandita’s great-great father-in-law. Chose to construct a home in Beleghata in 1855, this bustling. However, Chandi Basu, who was in the process of corporatizing the fishing industry in India, had to relocate close to the complex network of natural and artificial wetlands known as the East Kolkata Wetlands, which are located on the eastern edge of the city. He conducted business there. Even in 1965, when I moved into this home as a daughter-in-law, our fishery was thriving. The company gradually went out of existence during the CPM era, according to Nandita.

The residence truly lives true to its moniker

The mansion of the barrister, or Barrister Babur Bari, is a magnificent, compact building that appears to be much larger than it actually . Barrister Basu, Nandita’s father-in-law, ran his legal firm from a large office on the home’s ground floor fifty years ago. The mansion given his name because of his prominence.

A small Thakurdalan (courtyard) with pillars and verandahs that reflect the influences of European design. Which reached through the entryway. A patio that is more secluded may be reached via an alcove. The inner courtyard’s turquoise blue and cobbled floors take the place of the outer courtyard’s red oxide flooring and restrained sensibility. There is a noticeable change in the atmosphere and sensitivities.


Enthusiast of PR Working as an intern at Teamology PR agency . Student of mass communication and Journalism Player of Basketball also professional National level athlete. would love to do ate my free time Music, Photography.

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