Vagabond is a South Korean television series that aired on SBS TV Similarly, it was gushed on Netflix consists of 16 episodes from September 20 to November 23, 2019. The story of this arrangement rotated around a plane crash that kills over 211 civilians, such as Cha Dal-gun’s nephew. To figure out the facts behind the accident, Cha Dal-gun begins an investigation with Go Hae-Ri National intelligence agency agent leads him to a tangled web of corruption. This Korean play is coordinated by Yoo In-Sik.
We can expect the same throw to reunite for vagabond year 2 and new entries based on the way the authors decide to tell the story. Let us take a look:
1. Lee Seung- Gi as Cha Dal-gun -fireman
2. Bae Suzy as Go Hae-Ri
3. Shin sung-rok as Gi Tae-Woong, the head of the National intelligence service information group.
4. Yun-Shik back as Jung kook- Pyo, the president
5. Moon Sung-Keun as Hong Soon-Jo, the Prime Minister
There will definitely be many more familiar faces. We will need to wait and see who those faces belong to.
Well, as of writing this show hasn’t been renewed for a second season by the community. But we might hear some information because the series is really common.
While the renewal hasn’t yet been announced officially. The network said that”We’re reviewing the program of the celebrities, writers, and directors, he added”. However, season 2 hasn’t been confirmed.
The first season of the show did pretty well and many loved its own storyline. The fans of the show are still awaiting the information about if there will be a third season of the show.