
Will Henry Cavill’s Superman Have A Cameo In The Flash?

Although nothing is confirmed, Warner Bros is rumored to be very interested in Henry Cavill returning as Superman for The Flash.

The Flash is generating a lot of expectations within the public, as it will seek to reunite past and future heroes. Although the details are scarce at the moment, rumors about possible appearances are circulating all over the internet. So far, we could see the return of Michael Keaton as Batman, and even Christian Bale has come up in the conversation. They are joined by the possibility that Superman has a cameo in this story, with Henry Cavill playing him.

The truth is that Henry Cavill’s situation within the DC Extended Universe is a bit confusing. Since Justice League in 2017 that fans don’t see him wear the superhero cape and from this movie, Warner decided to make a lot of changes to his casts. However, the actor denied in 2019 that he was giving up the role and said: “The cape is in the closet, it is still mine.” Although he did not even appear in Shazam, some rumors assure that we will see him in the next movie titled The Flash, which will have Ezra Miller as the protagonist.

Will we see it with the cape?

The rumor was started by a Twitter informant calling himself Viewer Anon, who through his account revealed that Warner Bros wanted Henry Cavill to return for at least one cameo in the film to be directed by Andy Muschietti. This has not been confirmed or denied by the study, but the possibility arose after Ray Fisher was removed from the film as Cyborg.

However, if this turns out to be true, the actor couldn’t join The Flash before finishing some business. Henry Cavill must recover from a leg injury he suffered during the recording of the second season of The Witcher, as well as finish filming the series since production had to be put on hold after the actor was injured.

Paula Carol

Paula is an associate writer with a degree in journalism. Paula loves expressing her voice on entertainment, beauty and other allied topics. Paula loves fishing and treks. A huge travel buff, Paula owns a travelogue to pen down her experiences while she is not killing it at Interviewer PR