TV Shows

What To Expect From Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 19

In the opening minutes of The Walking Dead period 10, episode 19, “More,” series Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Aaron (Ross Marquand) making use of Maggie’s map to look for food and supplies to bring back to Alexandria. “One More” is a portion of six bonus episodes that were tacked onto the end of season 10, which was originally scheduled to finish with event 16. As with many other shows, the pandemic severely disrupted The Walking Dead’s filming schedule. AMC originally planned The Walking Dead season 11, which is going to be the show’s final, to start airing in October 2020. Afterwards, the pandemic struck, and production was delayed. To help tide fans over and bridge the gap between seasons, six additional episodes, that concentrate on smaller, more personal stories, were added to season 10.

The Walking Dead season 10 centers chiefly on the growing tension with the Whisperers. Although the survivors try to make peace, it becomes evident that a war is coming. It contrasts with the leaders of these Whisperers, Alpha and Beta, dead, their walker horde demolished. Episode 16 also brought the return of fan-favourite Maggie, who was absent from the series for much of seasons 9 and 10. The very first of these bonus episodes concentrate on Maggie, showing her tense reunion with Negan and catching up with all the other survivors. The second bonus episode is mostly told in flashbacks, providing audiences with an opportunity to observe how Daryl got his puppy. Now, the next, which broadcasts on Sunday, March 14, will concentrate on Gabriel and Aaron.

Both Gabriel and Aaron are outside looking for supplies with the aid of a map given to them by Maggie. It seems to have been a fruitless journey so far, though, as they’re exasperated when another possible source cache was destroyed by fire. Gabriel brings a neat trick with an egg timer to pull away walkers hidden in an overgrown field, but it’s Aaron’s discovery which sets the tone for the incident.

Underneath the burned-out structure, Aaron finds three charred skeletons huddled together. It seems to be two adults with a child between them, blossoms growing haphazardly over the bones. “What happened here?” Aaron asks. “We will never understand,” Gabriel responds. It’s a powerful moment, reminding the audience of the human cost in the larger battle with the constant onslaught of walkers.

The incident’s description reads, in part, “Small tragedies lead to larger tragedies as faith is broken and optimism is fragmented when they are put to the ultimate test.” It’s fairly safe to say that Aaron’s discovery is that the very first sad moment from the event – and if a deceased family is a small tragedy, The Walking Dead season 10, event 19, is building up to a devastating final reveal.

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