Vikings season 6: Release Date, Plot, Cast And Latest Information


In season 6 of this hit show, the nature of Lagertha dies. A tragic episode, which mad Internet users. Bjorn’s mother was one of the more complicated characters in the series. And she’ll have fought until the last moment before culminating in a final fight.

Indeed, it’s during a battle with Hvitsertk in Vikings, that the young girl will die. She will be stabbed by the latter. It is going to therefore run smoothly in the base of the ocean.

The young woman explained to the media that she’d heard of the departure of her character in the series. “It was the first strategy. I understood it. Everyone knew it.”, She disclosed.

In an old interview, the young girl had confided that she’d fought to obtain the part in Vikings. “I received the script by my representatives. Plus they told me that the manager was abroad. He had been in the United Kingdom. He didn’t take any meetings. So I had to record my casting in my living area. All alone. ” Had she remembered?

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She explained: “I wasn’t sad when I learned I was going to depart the series. I understood it” And that’s not all.

The Canadian actress thus confided this: “I was thinking to myself, but when am I going to leave? I thought I’d leave long before. In season 4. But ultimately, no. They kept me.” Stormy confidences …

The celebrity was convinced she wouldn’t go until season 6. Her personality Vikings were very popular with viewers and writers, whom they decided to keep.

“They convinced me to remain. And so I even had the opportunity to direct several episodes. After this experience was finished, I said goodbye to this sequence. It was hard. But It’s so.”, She confided.

The Vikings celebrity won’t ever forget the day she spent casting for Vikings. “I admit I was really quite nervous. Because of my accent. Since I had never had to do with a Scandinavian accent before. It was new.”, She remembered.

On societal networks, Lagertha fans have commented about the death of the young woman. Emblematic character of Vikings because the first time, the young girl will consequently have marked the spirits. And that’s good.

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