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Ukraine Russia Crisis: Amroha’s daughter Anshika, who is living under the shadow of fear in Ukraine, said – as soon as the siren sounds, she is forced to hide in the metro tunnel – bunkers

Amroha’s daughter Anshika is also trapped in Ukraine (Russia Ukraine Crisis). He told that as soon as the siren sounds, the students hide in the metro tunnel and bunkers.

In Ukraine, information about more than 20 children of Amroha district trapped there has come to the fore. (Photo Source- Vipin Verma)

Ukraine (UkraineAmidst the ongoing war in Amroha (amrohaInformation about more than 20 children of the district being trapped there has come to the fore. Although this number can be even higher. It is also feared that food is available only once in twenty four hours in the mess.Food Crisis) have been. Naved Haider, a student of Saidangali in Amroha, UP, is also stuck in Kiev city of Ukraine. Haider told that there are continuous bomb blasts in the city of Kiev. There is danger of life there all the time. This is the reason why his family is very upset.

Haider told that he could not sleep for the last 2 days due to the sound of bomb blasts. He is forced to live under the shadow of fear all the time. At the same time, Salman Khan, a resident of Didoli, has also been trapped in the midst of tension in Ukraine (Students Stuck in Ukraine). He is studying MBBS there. Medical student Salman Khan told that now he has only four-five days’ worth of food and drink left. He told that even full food is not available in the mess of the university hostel.

‘Hiding in the metro stations built in the basement’

Medical student Salman says that with every passing day the situation is becoming more serious. The streets of Ukraine are deserted. They are resorting to bunkers to save their lives. Or people are forced to live in the metro stations built in the basement. Appealing to the Government of India, Salman said that all the children trapped in Ukraine should be brought out safely as soon as possible.

Spill the pain of children trapped in Ukraine

Amroha’s daughter Anshika is also trapped in Ukraine. He told that as soon as the siren sounds, the students hide in the metro tunnel and bunkers. Anshika told that more than 1500 Indian children are studying in her university alone. Children are appealing to the government to come to their homes amid the situation of war. Many children of Amroha are yet to return home. He has expressed his pain.


Interviewer PR

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