
Transplant: Will the series have a season 2 after the suspense in the last episode?

After the last episode of the first season of the Transplant series, many fans have been wondering, if NBC will give it a season 2. But, this is what is known.

The final episode of Transplant ended with Bash and Amira meeting with a Syrian woman. Although she was unidentified, Amira was immediately glad to see her, and Bash overcame her surprise to hug her and tell her that he thought she was dead.

This last scene has created several theories about it, but the most famous is that it could be a member of his family or lost love. But, if it’s the last one, what will happen to a “Bash and Mags”?

The first season of Transplant showed that many stories deserve to continue being told. But will there be more of Transplant on NBC?

The transplant has performed well in NBC ratings during its first season, and with a second season already in the works for CTV, the odds look pretty good that season 2 will come to NBC as long as it can be completed.

Although the decision not only depends on NBC but also on CTV, the Canadian producer that is in charge of the program, in the first quarter of 2021, prompt response of a second season for Transplant will be available.

MD Sahan

Published by
MD Sahan