‘The Promised Neverland’ is a dark fantasy horror anime that tells the story of a world where individual children are raised on farms and afterward served as food to the demons. Years ago, there was a great war between humans and demons. It ended after the two races a treaty called “The Promise.” It had been decided that the races could live in separate worlds. However, some humans were left behind to be the food source for those demons.
The story follows some youthful descendants of the people that were left behind. The descendants discover the truth about their world and escape from the farm named Grace Field House. They hope that they will easily reach the human world. The anime premiered on January 11, 2019. Season 2 started airing on January 8, 2021. Here is all you need to learn about the upcoming episode of the Promised Neverland.’
Season 2, Episode 8 ‘The Promised Neverland‘ will be released on March 5, 2021CloverWorks Studios made the series, together with Mamoru Kanbe as the director and Kaiu Shirai as the primary writer. Takahiro Obata supplied the audio and Kazuaki Shimada created the character designs. Kiiro Akiyama sang the very first theme track”Identity” and Myuk sang the last theme track”Magic”.
Season 2 episodes of the Promised Neverland’ using original Japanese audio and English subtitles are available on Funimation (North America), AnimeLab (Australia and New Zealand), Hulu (North America), and Wakanim (Scandinavia) on the afternoon of the broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV’s Noitamina and its affiliated channels.
Funimation also has Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish (Mexican) subtitled models because of its viewers in South America. French, German, and Russian viewers can watch the series with their respective language subtitles on Wakanim. Viewers in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan could observe Season 2 iQIYIItalian viewers can observe the series together with Italian subtitles VVVVIDAn English-language version of Season 1 is also accessible on Funimation.