PR Corner

Priyanshu Bharadwaj blooming in the world of credible art of expression (Rap music)

In today’s world Rap music has become a credible art of expression. The label of rap has come to be synonymous with lyricism and rightly so. However, hip-hop culture typically doesn’t portray a likeness that is benefitting of more traditional performing arts. For many outsides of the culture, being unable to see past this image is part of the issue, Despite its root in art.

Priyanshu Bharadwaj is an Indian rapper, YouTuber, and comedian blooming in the world of rap music. He is born on 3rd May 1996 in Uttarakhand.

Some artist career appears to ascend quicker than others but Priyanshu Worked hard each and every day to gain this day. He confronted many odds but didn’t get discouraged as if things aren’t taking off as quickly or smoothly, as he hoped. He is very passionate about a career in the music industry. He did self – motivated himself every day and with discipline, he achieve it. He took the support of the youtube platform to make a career in the industry & very grateful to his audience for their support. Priyanshu has his own youtube channel Passkivines and entertains the audience with his amazing performance.

Interviewer PR

Editorial Team Staff

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Interviewer PR