
Preventing the Extinction of Carnivores

A latest evidence published in Scientific Reports discussed the need for effective national and international regulations. To address the preventing great carnivore populations, including wolves, tigers, and eagles. In order to limit their risk of extinction. Kurt E. Ingeman, Adrian Stier, and colleagues evaluated species recovery instances from a list of 362 big predators. These animals have been recognized as ecologically significant species. To preventing the serving as terminal consumers in a variety of ecological contexts.

Cardillo and his colleagues discovered in 2004 that a significant section of the carnivore population is more vulnerable. Extinction than previously thought. They predicted that several carnivore species listed as endangered within the next decade. These species are mostly found in Africa, where human population increase outpaces the global average.

Declining reproduction rates, and a high risk of human conflict

The likelihood that a carnivore would have a low risk of extinction 6.8 times higher for species protected by international laws. Contrarily, individuals linked to expert hunting techniques were three times more likely to have a lower risk of extinction. Less than 10% of the world’s population of big carnivores are growing. Due to their shared traits, including the requirement for huge areas to dwell in. Diminishing reproductive rates, and a significant danger of human conflict, the conservation of these big carnivores is difficult.

According to Ingeman

This article will provide hope for halting the population fall of big carnivores. Restoring ecosystems and maintaining their advantages to people made possible. By putting data gathered from cases of recovered large carnivore species to use.

Based on current databases, the 362 species of carnivores listed in this article. Which chosen from six distinct taxonomic core groupings, including bony fish, sharks and rays. Also  reptiles and amphibians, terrestrial mammals, birds, and marine mammals included. Among the species on this list are the steppe eagle, leopard, gharial, and yellowfin tuna. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature database used by the authors to compile data on big carnivore population trends and extinction danger.


Enthusiast of PR Working as an intern at Teamology PR agency . Student of mass communication and Journalism Player of Basketball also professional National level athlete. would love to do ate my free time Music, Photography.

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