
Overcoming with failure on a personal level, these are a few suggestions

We’ve all experienced it: waking up to emails about these enigmatic “additional applicants” that the firm has decided to pursue. Individuals who conduct work that interests me, such as academic researchers, business executives, and students. Most individuals often comment on a variety of items. They haven’t seen the numerous “noes” that lie behind those “yeses,” though overcoming failure.  Also found that every rejection serves as evidence of our ongoing search for information and opportunities.

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Distancing your sense of worth from the activity

Imposter syndrome may exist, but so do the numerous, uncontrollable circumstances that went into a choice. we frequently feel  that “not good enough,” “if only we had the necessary experience,” or “if only we had said this differently in an interview.” I’m absolutely guilty of this. If you give it your all and keep becoming better and overcoming failure every day, you can be sure that the right chance will present itself to you shortly.

Taking some alone time is OK

Every waking hour need not be a hardship. We frequently discovered that when we  had enough sleep, that’s when we all are most productive. Don’t undervalue the power of a good night’s sleep; sure, some days may have one or two hours fewer than others, but sleep is genuinely a mechanism for our body to heal, our cells to mend, and our brains to revitalize.

Have fun along the way

Life, in my opinion, is about engaging fully in the process of learning via experience. If we had to tell them one thing,  can only manage them because we genuinely like doing them. From planning events to fostering diversity on campus. Thus, overcoming failure and realizing that each application is really a means to my ultimate objective has really helped me continue pursuing my hobbies!

Reframe failure in a different way!

Rejection doesn’t always have to spell the end of a relationship. Thank the recruiters for their time and thoughtfulness in your reply to that email. Continually express your interest and inquire as to any further relevant possibilities they would be ready to provide. You will be shocked.

You should be proud of yourself for applying and pushing yourself out there

Embrace the procedure! Thank you for deciding to make changes for yourself. I assure you that everything will turn out for the best in the end. Continue to apply; you’re getting closer to hearing “yes”! The worst thing they can continue to say is no.


Enthusiast of PR Working as an intern at Teamology PR agency . Student of mass communication and Journalism Player of Basketball also professional National level athlete. would love to do ate my free time Music, Photography.