Kalabhumi, the pioneering institute renowned for its contributions to the fine arts and design, proudly announces its registration in Four prestigious world records. The occasion was marked with the “The Pride of India” Award Ceremony 2025, Felicitation of World Records held at the Laugh Store Vegas Mall in Sector 14 Dwarka, New Delhi, on 22nd January 2025. The event was a celebration of exceptional accomplishments of Kalabhumi Institute of Fine Arts & Design, notably for creating the, Longest Painting of “Ram Mandir Ayodhya” measuring an impressive 50ftx 30ft. This painting includes pictures of Shri Ram, Sita, Laxaman, Hanuman, and honorable PM Narendra Modi Ji.
On 22nd January 2024 (the day of Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha) Kalabhumi founder Shri. Asgar Ali, a maestro in fine arts and design, had decided to make the first-ever longest painting on Ram Mandir Ayodhya. With the help of 67 people of Kalabhumi (including Mentors and students), this painting was completed in 4 hours, 4 minutes, and 4 seconds. This painting has been registered in four world records World Wide Book of World Records, Asia Book of Records, India Book of Records, and High Range Book of World Records. “The Pride of India” Award Ceremony 2025 was a momentous event dedicated to honoring and awarding the students for their outstanding contributions. All the students who participated in this historic endeavor have had their names immortalized in these esteemed world record books.
The following distinguished and honored guests
graced this event:
“The Pride of India” Award Ceremony 2025 Felicitation of World Records not only honored the world record holders but also elevated the spirits of artists and art enthusiasts, marking a significant milestone in Kalabhumi’s journey towards shaping the future of fine arts and design in India.
Kalabhumi Institute of Fine Arts and Design has solidified its position as India’s premier world records holder professional fine arts and design institute since 2007. The institute has proudly secured recognition in Ten world records, including the Limca Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, India Book of Records, High Range Book of World Records, Marvelous Book of Records, and more…! Kalabhumi is renowned for providing good opportunities to students, participation in Exhibitions, Artist meetings, Gallery visits, and holding govt. art workshops, volunteering for opportunities with the Ministry of Culture, and the biggest opportunities are world record attempts.