JEE topper
JEE (Advanced) top student chooses IISc-Bengaluru over IITs for B. Tech course
R.K. Shishir, a student from Bengaluru, choose IISc because he is more interested in starting a business or doing research. He declared, “IISc is the top research institute in the nation for JEE”
Indian Bureau.
R.K. Shishir, a student from Bengaluru and the all-India JEE (Advanced)-2022 top student, has decided to do his B. Tech. At the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)-Bengaluru rather than the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay. At one point, Shishir planned to found a start-up and pursue a degree in computer science engineering at IIT-Bombay. He changed his mind, though, and chose to pursue a career in computer science.
He said to The Hindu that he picked IISc because he is more interested in starting a business or doing research. He declared that “IISc is the top research institute in the nation.”
For my B-Tech, I chose mathematics in computers. The study of math is crucial to computer science. The course has been completely revamped. I want to establish a business when I finish my B-Tech. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll try to earn a postgraduate degree in research and development at overseas universities,” Shishir remarked.
He stood second (AIR) in Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana, conducted by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. probably heard that “Certificates are not required if you have skills and talent”. It is true but today in this competitive world no one will wait for monitoring your skills and talent. Secondly, these professional certificates are not like ordinary ones which can be completed by mugging up the stuffs and simply plot down them in the exams. The DevOps is a full training course which will prepare you for becoming a professional not only in development field but it will also prepare you for the operational and deployment side of the Technology field.