Highschool of the Dead is a Japanese act horror anime series that’s based on a manga of the identical name. The manga, called Gakuen Mokushiroku Haisukūru about za Deddo in Western, was composed by Satou Daisuke and exemplified by Shouji Satou, and was first released in August 9, 2006. While fresh volumes of the manga were printed up before April 9, 2013, the story was picked up for an anime series midway through its lifespan. Season 1 of Highschool of the Dead hence premiered on July 5, 2010, also watched its finale being aired on September 20, 2010. The next year, in April, an original video animation (OVA) unique episode of this series was created for lovers, and ever since that time, fans of this series and the manga were awaiting information on Season 2.
We all are awaiting the series to be renew and return to our screens. After the series first aired, it became remarkably popular with manga and anime fans alike. But regrettably, unlike some different show,’ High School of the Dead’ is facing many issues. Consequently, it’s complex for the show compared to other ones. After the series first came out, everybody loved it, and it was an immediate hit. Everyone enjoys the anime collection, and ever since that time, a launch date has at all times been in speculation. However, going by the looks of this, it appears improbable the series will find another season. The manga founder passed away in 2017, and, consequently, that the manga was abandoned unfinished. However, all hope isn’t lost as there might nevertheless be a new author. Though it’s an improbable situation if a new author is appointed, the next season of this anime could be published at the end of 2021, or even ancient 2022.
The storyline of the Japanese Horror Anime mostly revolves around an apocalyptic tragedy that increases the dead. The Zombie outbreak occurs after a mysterious disease begins spreading in Japan and all around the world. Due to the disease, people started perishing catastrophically and then have become zombies. Individuals are being decimated at an alarming speed, and the disease keeps spreading faster and quicker. The series centers on a group of kids who attempt to protect one another and survive the apocalypse.