
From a Modest Tea Stall to a Thriving Chain: The Inspiring Journey of Helly & Chilly


Helly & Chilly has become a household name in India rising from a modest tea stall in Ahmedabad to a thriving chain of over 75 cafés across the country. The journey of its founder, Chandresh Bayad, is an inspiring tale of determination and perseverance.

Helly & Chilly: Chandresh’s Journey of Innovation and Persistence

In 2013, Chandresh and his business partner started their food venture with just 10,000 rupees. Despite their limited education and humble beginnings, they had the courage to turn their small tea stall into a big success story. However, their journey was not without challenges. Starbucks USA promptly served them with a legal notice regarding a trademark infringement. But Chandresh was not deterred by this setback. Instead, he transformed his tea stall into Helly& Chilly.

The café gained popularity among food bloggers and influencers due to its unique menu items. Chandresh’s innovative spirit led him to make two Guinness world records in the food segment. The first was for the largest single fries in the world, weighing 11 kg, and the second was for the largest French fries dish in the world, weighing 659 kg.

Revolutionizing the Food Industry: Chandresh’s Unconventional Ideas Lead to Global Expansion of Helly & Chilly

But Chandresh was not content with simply running a successful café. He continued to push the boundaries of food innovation by creating the world’s first burger and coffee with the customer’s name written on it in pen, without the use of ink. The café also began serving the world’s longest fries, which are 1.5 feet long (55 cm), which proved to be a huge hit with customers.

Helly & Chilly has grown into a thriving chain of over 75 cafés across India, with plans to expand globally to countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Dubai. Chandresh’s unbreakable willpower and drive have brought him success and helped him realize his vision.

Chandresh’s story is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance. Despite numerous setbacks, he never lost sight of his goals. His journey teaches us that when something is important enough, we must do it even if the odds are not in our favor. Helly& Chilly is not just a café chain but a symbol of Chandresh’s spirit and his commitment to providing unique customer experiences.

Interviewer PR

Editorial Team Staff

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Interviewer PR