
DNA : Siberian Neandertals’ small-scale social life are revealed by ancient DNA

The finest genetic DNA window into the social lives of these prehistoric hominids has been provided by DNA. Which is from a group of Neandertals who lived together and a few others who lived nearby. According to study published in Nature on October 19. Neandertal societies in a hilly region of Central Asia as early as 59,000 years ago. Included small groups of close relatives and adult female arrivals.

His social scenario is based on DNA taken from the teeth and bones of 13 Neandertals. Whichever discovered in two caves in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia. According to evolutionary geneticist Laurits Skov of the Max Planck. Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and colleagues, estimates of the overall genetic. Similarity among these Stone Age people show that they lived in communities of about 20 people. In the company of females frequently migrating from their home groups to those of their mates.

Lifestyle of the Altai Neandertals was uncommon?

It is unclear if the small-scale lifestyle of the Altai Neandertals was uncommon. Maybe they lived in a sparsely populated location. Whether it  typical of Neandertal customs in other parts of Asia and Europe. Around 125,000 years ago, several Neandertals in Central Europe converted a forest into grassland. It  indicating that they could expand their settlements as necessary (SN: 12/15/21).

People lived in tiny communities with their immediate family members and adult female arrivals. 11 Neandertals from Chagyrskaya Cave and two Neandertals from Okladnikov Cave. That subjected to DNA analysis by Skov’s team (SN: 1/27/20). A father and his teenage daughter were among the Chagyrskaya group. Along with an older woman and a youngster, probably her nephew or grandchild, aged 8 to 12.

DNA from the Y chromosome, which is transmitted solely by men less diverse in the Chagyrskaya group. Aside from mitochondrial DNA, which is normally passed down from the mother. The researchers hypothesise that the higher mitochondrial DNA variation. Indicates that adult females commonly relocated into that group while the men remained put.


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