
Delhi gets Real-time bus information service in Google maps

Planning your commute is one painstaking activity that ruins the morning for many working professionals. With haywire arrival and departure information and often misleading schedules can make you wait for long hours before catching a mode of public transport for your destination. Google Maps has introduced a new real-time bus information service for Delhi that helps you to obtain accurate information about the bust timings, availability, real-time locations and alternative routes. The new feature is a joint effort of the tech giant along with Delhi Transport Ministry, Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS), Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi, and Lepton Software. Through this collaboration, the public transport experience is expected to change for the better and serve in the best interests of the daily commuters.


The real-time bus information service by Google maps offers an elaborate insight of bus information at the touch of your fingertips. It is integrated within Google maps transit feature so you won’t need to install another application just to get bus information. It is suggested that you updated the Google maps to the latest version to see a change in the features and use the real-time bus information service.

The bus information service will offer clear information about which is the best bus to catch to shorten your commute timings between two locations. Even if you miss a bus, the service will inform you about the exact timings of the arrival of the next bus at the exact waiting spot. A few major features include an estimation of the time duration of travel which will include the traffic challenges as well. You can always check if the bus you commute with daily, is running late or on time today. It is all done in real-time so you will notice if there is a change in arrival timings, a spot which is marked in red and green on the Google maps. 


For now, the Google maps real-time bus information service is only available for Delhi users. Google has made serious efforts to provide the service in the Hindi language also, for better usability as it is favoured by many users. On being asked about the plans of this service making it to other cities, Google says that it is in the works but it will take a lot of time to collaborate with each city or state and come up with a competent solution.

Interviewer PR

Editorial Team Staff

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Interviewer PR
Tags: Delhi Bus