
Black Panther 2 Could Bring Back A Great Villain

They are preparing the movie Black Panther 2 and rumors persist that the great villain of the first installment could return.

It has been speculated for some time that actor Michael B. Jordan could return as the villain Eric Killmonger in Black Panther 2. The first clue was offered by actress Angela Bassett who played Ramonda in an interview in 2019, now it seems that it is the director Ryan Coogler himself who has added it to the script he is preparing.

How would I get back?

Killmonger appeared to have been killed at the end of the first movie after being stabbed in the chest. The King of Wakanda’s cousin uttered the phrase “Death is better than slavery” before collapsing, but we didn’t see him die, and we never knew if T’Challa fulfilled his dying wish with a burial at sea. So his return could be pretty straightforward in Black Panther 2. Also after the death of Chadwick Boseman, they have raised that there is a new character who is the king of Wakanda, so the villain could have his second chance.

But if they decide he’s dead, there’s always a chance that he’ll come back with some flashbacks. We could also see it in the astral dimension or even that it is another version that arrived from another reality thanks to the “multiverse”.

For now there is little information about Black Panther 2, but it is known that it will begin with the burial of T’Challa so that Marvel Studios fans can say goodbye to Chadwick Boseman. Also, other rumors place very interesting villains like Namor and Doctor Doom. Since Wakanda could conflict with Atlantis or Latveria.

Directed by Ryan Coogler, the movie Black Panther 2 will be released on July 8, 2022. Hopefully it lives up to the first installment and impacts everyone so much.

Paula Carol

Paula is an associate writer with a degree in journalism. Paula loves expressing her voice on entertainment, beauty and other allied topics. Paula loves fishing and treks. A huge travel buff, Paula owns a travelogue to pen down her experiences while she is not killing it at Interviewer PR