
Amazon Prime Series ‘The Boys’ Season 3 Set Photos Reveal Soldier Boy’s Costume

The Boys season 3 set photos reveal Soldier Boy’s costume. The favorite Amazon Prime series, which is adapted from the comic book, was hard at work since beginning production on its forthcoming batch of episodes. Already, fans have gotten a peek of Karl Urban’s Billy Butcher and Antony Starr’s suiting up as Homelander.

Among the most anticipated new improvements to The Boys, nevertheless, is Soldier Boy. A place to be portrayed by Jensen Ackles, who previously worked with The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke on Supernatural, Soldier Boy has been cited in the sequence. Beginning with season two, the character was namedropped. He is mentioned specifically by Stan Edgar to maintain Homelander in line, hinting at a long and impressive heritage. Today, fans have their very first sneak peek of the way Soldier Boy might look when he arrives on the scene.

In a photograph from the set of The Boys season, Soldier Boy is viewed with a big grin as he attends the world premiere of Dawn of the Native American, a film starring the superpowered individuals from the sequence. The image, from Steve LeBlanc, also provides a glimpse of the character’s costume.

Although this is simply the first preview, and a whole lot will probably change from the time The Boys period 3 makes its premiere, the costume of Soldier Boy appears to be a departure from the source material. It preserves the color scheme, together with the character sporting a combination of white, red, and blue, but changes the overall type of the attire is differentiated so that it’s more in line with the official superpowered look of A-Train or The Deep. The Boys continues to be comfortable making alterations to its source material when needed. Stormfront was changed significantly, genderswapped and given a cool veneer, to inform a more contemporary story. Victoria Neuman, who will be a focal point heading into the upcoming season, was also notably upgraded from the page to the screen.

This has led to a fair quantity of curiosity about how the adaptation will represent Soldier Boy upon his debut. Kripke has been careful not to disclose too much about the personality, describing him as the John Wayne of the superhero world and teasing that more will be discovered regarding the character’s history as the episodes unfold. Given everything The Boys has shown audiences so far, where nearly every changes from their very first appearance, it’s a safe bet that there’s a whole lot more concerning Soldier Boy which is being kept under wraps.

Paula Carol

Paula is an associate writer with a degree in journalism. Paula loves expressing her voice on entertainment, beauty and other allied topics. Paula loves fishing and treks. A huge travel buff, Paula owns a travelogue to pen down her experiences while she is not killing it at Interviewer PR