
Amazon Prime And Netflix have totally turned Indian cinema upside down

In India, streaming platforms are on the rise. Amazon Prime and Netflix are very successful in the country, which has 1.3 billion inhabitants.

It has now been two years since these companies have invested in India. This has allowed the continent to create its own content. Like other countries in the world.

Netflix has decided to invest $ 400 million in 2019 in India. And Amazon Prime Video is no exception . The giant also has shares in India.

As a result, hundreds of original Indian creations are available on both platforms. Investing in India is therefore a very lucrative business!

Monika Shergill, vice president of content at Netflix India said India’s growth is one of the fastest in terms of production. “This year has been an amazing year for us in India. We are one of the fastest growing markets in all of Netflix worldwide ” . And the numbers speak for themselves.

Far from Bollywood films, Netflix and Amazon Prime have developed short series. As well as modern films, which appeal to the population. The country also displays two of the series that are the most successful on the platform.

These are the Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives reality shows . But also Mighty Little Bheem. They are a hit in India. These successful series allow companies to have more and more subscribers. And that is a very good thing.

Unlike France or the United States, in India it is rare for people to have more than one television in the household. However, the latter are keen on new technologies. And that, the platform understood it well.

The price of the Netflix subscription is 2.21 euros per month. So, so that the population is always more connected, Netflix has signed a partnership with Mobile +. It will therefore allow a single person to have access to the content offered in HD. For a pittance.

Faced with this exponential growth, the country is therefore preparing to create new content for 2021. And it can count on the support of Amazon Prime Video. But also Netflix for funding.

Paula Carol

Paula is an associate writer with a degree in journalism. Paula loves expressing her voice on entertainment, beauty and other allied topics. Paula loves fishing and treks. A huge travel buff, Paula owns a travelogue to pen down her experiences while she is not killing it at Interviewer PR

Published by
Paula Carol